Race Results from Dec 2, 2023 – 50s/60s Ninco Lemans and 80s Slot.It Lemans at Nigelstone Raceway…
Dec 2, 2023 – 50s/60s Ninco Lemans at Nigelstone Raceway:
A lovely day of racing with 14 of us at the improved Nigelstone Raceways went counter-clockwise and at two different voltages just to mess-up the racers.
In the Ninco 1950’s Tom dominated by a full 3.5 laps overall in his pretty Ferrari 250TR, with Tim Weston having an excellent run to 2nd a lap ahead of Rob Bender 3rd and Nigel and Chris taking 4th and 5th places respectively. Of note only 1/10th of a lap separated Dale and Tim Fleenor for 6/7th and Frank and Craig for 8/9th.

Dec 2, 2023 – 80s Slot.It Lemans at Nigelstone Raceway:
After lowering the voltage by a volt, Tom only beat Tim Fleenor by 1.9 laps, with Nigel, Chris and Rob taking 3rd, 4th and 5th. Note the dead-heats between Stephen and Frank and the lowest possible 1/10th of a lap separating Rick, Dennis Brown and Tim Weston in 9th, 10th, 11th.

Next race is the last Team race of the year using the 1950’s Cartrix F1 cars at Farrout Raceway on SUNDAY 12/17/2023.
~ Stephen
Page created 12/06/2023 – PK