In July of 2010 the FarrOut Slot Car Racing Club hosted a charity event at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles. We had nine tracks set up for visitors to race on. It was a big success, and visitors and club members had a great time celebrating slot cars.
The Petersen Museum event went really well. A nice size crowd turned out to try the thirteen race tracks we had set-up in the exhibit hall. Retired professional road racers Vic Elford and Tony Adamowicz were there along with drag racer Bob Muravez. They all drove in a team race with legendary slot car racers including John Cukras, Mike Stuebe, Phillipe DeLespinay, Gene Hustings and Brian Warmack amongst others. FarrOut legends like Stephen Farr-Jones and Michael Smalley were also among the four teams. Vic Elford’s team won the 64 minute enduro.
It took a tremendous amount of work to arrange the event and then ultimately move and install thirteen tracks all in less than 24 hours. Special thanks goes out to Bruce Talamon and Stephen Farr-Jones for arranging the event. A huge thanks is owed to those who rented and drove the trucks. with a just slightly smaller thanks to all of the rest of you who worked to lift, haul, plug and wire up all of the stuff that was in the trucks. Oh yes, and then there are the track owners. They almost deserve there own credits page. Thanks.
Most of all we want to thank all of the people who came and had fun racing our slot cars.
All of the club members had a great time making slot car history with you.
Here are some links that highlight the event: