2024 Race Results – May 25, 2024 – 3 Hour Team Race – Farrout Raceway

Race Results from May 25, 2024 – 3 Hour Team Race at Farrout Raceway…

Hi folks,

We had a fun time albeit it with a reduced group due to the Memorial Day weekend with 13 of us racing plus Nigel and likely new racer Roberto and his dad going us at the start.

We raced the full 3 hours spread across the 4 lanes and at the end Walter’s team took a deserved win over Bob’s gang by 14 laps/1.1% and then Tom and Kevin’s teams.  Should be noted Kevin’s team lane controller lost brakes about 2/3rds of way through the first heat on green.

Otherwise a fun time and special thanks to Fingers, Dale and Lilith for doing extra laps to balance the teams out    

Next Race is at Craig’s next weekend with fast Slot.it Group C and Revo Slot GT1 /GT2.  Unfortunately the RevoSlot championships got scheduled on top of this race but I cannot change that now.  We are literally out of non-holiday non-race weekends to then end of the year!

In the Teams Championship we are now two races down and Walter will take some beating with two wins on the board.

The Overall Championship remains tight but it is still early days as Walter, Kevin and Tom keep fighting at the top.

2024 Farrout Overall Series Standings

All the best,

– Stephen

May 25, 20243 Hour Team Race at Farrout Raceway:

Team Championship Standings as of 05-25-2024:

2024 Race Results

2024 Race Calendar

Page created 05/27/2024 – PK

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